APS Student Handbook Links
Daily attendance is mandatory in order for students to have the full benefit of the instructional program. The district recognizes, however, that there are situations that make absences necessary. Therefore, in accordance with district guidelines, absences may be excused for the following reasons:
- Doctor's appointments
- Illness
- Death in the family
- Family emergency
- Religious commitments
- Diagnostic testing
Please note that family vacations do not constitute as excused absences.
Report absences prior to 9 am the day of the absence via the school attendance line: 255-3131 ext. 2
If we do not receive a call prior to 9 AM, you will be contacted by phone using the SchoolMessenger automated system. We offer this service as part of our Safe School Plan. Notification should be made to the office as soon as possible, but not later than two (2) days after the date of the absence. Absences reported after two (2) school days shall be recorded as unexcused.
- After 2 days of unexcused absences, you will receive a phone call from the school.
- After 5 days of unexcused absences, you will receive a phone call from the school, as well as being contacted by the school counselor to begin an attendance contract.
- After 10 days of unexcused absences, you will receive a letter from the district and a possible home visit.
In accordance with district policy, students with excessive absences will be referred to the Health and Wellness Team and an attendance contract will be developed with possible intervention strategies. (See APS Student Behavior Handbook for details). Students will be withdrawn from school after ten (10) consecutive absences unless the student is served by Homebound or Home Hospital.
If your child is out for illness for 3 or more days, please provide us with a copy of a doctor's note for our records.
Cell Phones
Students may have cell phones at school provided that they are kept in their backpacks in an off position during the school day. Cell phones that are used during the school day will be confiscated and parents/guardians will have to pick them up in the office.
Lost or stolen phones are not the school's responsibility and instructional time will not be used to look for a lost or stolen phone.
Drop-Off & Pick-Up
Safety of our students is our number one concern. Due to Covid-19 students are NOT permitted to be on campus before 8:20am. Students may arrive earlier if they are registered and attending our before school program with LTCC. Please use the drop off area in front of the administration office for PreK only. Please follow the parking lot arrows because this is a one-way drop off area.
Kindergarten through fifth-grade students should only be dropped off or picked up at the drop off and pick up area around the loop. We ask that you stay with your child until a staff member is present and escorts them from your vehicle. For your child’s safety, please do not drop off or pick up students until you have completed the full “U.” The drop-off/pick-up lane is a no parking zone.